A Potion to be Rid of One’s Enemies by Jeffrey A. Ballard

A Potion to be Rid of One’s Enemies by Jeffrey A. Ballard

Zephaniah smoothed the sapling’s shading, caressing the tip of his middle finger along the edge. Warmth bloomed in his cheeks as absenthe rose from the meager dust pile next to him and swirled around the sketch. He glanced up at the actual sapling in his apartment’s small greenhouse to get the perspective perfect and then…

Soba Dee’s Epiphany by M.W. Irving

Soba Dee’s Epiphany by M.W. Irving

Legend has it a dose of epiphany sent Archimedes streaking naked from his bath into the streets of Syracuse shouting Eureka! Newton’s falling apple, Buddha beneath the bodhi tree, Darwin thinking up natural selection during a carriage ride; epiphany’s shaped human knowledge in blinding flashes. Of all such revelations, Soba Dee had the most profound…

The Weeping Oni by Gordon Linzner

The Weeping Oni by Gordon Linzner

The oni blocked Mizumo’s path, looming larger than the strongest samurai, wearing a tiger-skin loin cloth.  Muscles rippled under sky-blue skin.  Three horns protruded from its forehead.  Three-fingered hands covered its face.  Elbows rested on knees wider than the length of the monk’s wakizashi blade. Mizumo fingered the sword’s pommel beneath his robes.  The oni…