Tic-tac-toe and Tequila at Sunset by Ryan Cole

Tic-tac-toe and Tequila at Sunset by Ryan Cole

Who ever said death had to be so bad?             Dalton was perfectly fine here, thank you very much. Being caught in the in-between of life and rebirth gave him all the time he needed to do what he enjoyed—watering the front lawn, trimming the azalea bushes, sipping on a glass of Casamigos at sunset…

Final Illustration of a Disappearing Chalk Artist by Ryan Cole

Final Illustration of a Disappearing Chalk Artist by Ryan Cole

Emma understands that the world might be ending. Wormholes. Soft spots. A parallel universe that’s starting to leak through a hundred different holes in a hundred different cities. One of which happens to be just outside her house, right next to the mailbox, at the end of the driveway.             How much longer do we…