Choose Your Own Apocalypse by Elis Montgomery

Choose Your Own Apocalypse by Elis Montgomery

Ruth is slaughtering lava gremlins when her solar bank beeps. Low voltage warning. She clicks thrice, and her 8-bit rapier pokes the boss into a spray of orange pixels. She checks her laptop’s wattmeter, then plugs in the powerbike she’s sitting on. “Have no fear, folks. A little haze storm can’t kill the stream.” She…

She Giggled, Slippery In My Arms by Maura Yzmore

She Giggled, Slippery In My Arms by Maura Yzmore

The first time I performed the ritual and Stevie came back to life, as if no time had passed between her last breath and her second first one, I was relieved, ecstatic even, incredulous that it had worked. It had all seemed so hokey. Rubbing her body with eucalyptus oil, the various herbs she’d collected…

Our House by Eleanor Lennox

Our House by Eleanor Lennox

There is someone in our house.It’s just after 2 am—I’m lying awake in bed.Loud noises from downstairs. Three people, maybe four.They’re looking for something. I get out of bed.Jon doesn’t wake. Mia nestles into the warmth I leave behind.I hear a voice coming from the kitchen, pubescent, male.“Hurry and find it, we’re gonna be late…

What Is Written, What Is Burned by Sophia Zhao

What Is Written, What Is Burned by Sophia Zhao

“They say you are the one who can attend to my needs.” A cloaked figure waits at my doorstep. Behind her, twilight drags its dark, feathered wing across the horizon. A fortnight ago, the sun might have lingered. But the seasons are turning; soon, there will be frost. For now, we endure only bitter winds,…

For all the Pastime Variables by Kiera Lesley

For all the Pastime Variables by Kiera Lesley

They have amazing toys and gadgets here. Portals and matter creators and holographic projections. They especially love playing with time: rewinding, changing perspective, throwing variables in to create new iterations of dead scenarios. They have every fancy gizmo and innovation from the start to end of time at their disposal and they don’t mind me…