Nothing Bright But the Shine of Your Coat by Cressida Blake Roe

Nothing Bright But the Shine of Your Coat by Cressida Blake Roe

The white bear’s favorite color is green. I know this because the first thing it does every evening before dinner is thrust its warm, wet nose through the doors of the bureau and take my mother’s dress, my mother’s lucky green dress, in its teeth. Some nights, seams scream and tear, fabric fluttering from the…

The Clockworkers by Michelle Koubek

The Clockworkers by Michelle Koubek

            “It’s rusted!”             The Head Clockworker taps the metal hand of the planet-sized clock and then turns to his brother, the Second Clockworker.             “Have you not been keeping up on your upkeep duties?”             The Second Clockworker shrugs, sending a heatwave to the planets on his mantel as they shift temporarily closer to…

When We Visit Our Sisters by Jennifer Skogen

When We Visit Our Sisters by Jennifer Skogen

We carry our offerings to the beach by moonlight, us sisters who have stayed behind. We wear hiking boots–or at least closed toed, sporty sandals–to protect our feet from broken oyster shells. Our steps are uncertain: we slip on kelp ribbons and slick rock, brace ourselves against driftwood. We dare not bring a flashlight and…