When We Visit Our Sisters by Jennifer Skogen

When We Visit Our Sisters by Jennifer Skogen

We carry our offerings to the beach by moonlight, us sisters who have stayed behind. We wear hiking boots–or at least closed toed, sporty sandals–to protect our feet from broken oyster shells. Our steps are uncertain: we slip on kelp ribbons and slick rock, brace ourselves against driftwood. We dare not bring a flashlight and…

Mutualism by Any Other Name by Dawn Vogel

Mutualism by Any Other Name by Dawn Vogel

The Grove of Knowledge benefitted from an accord with the fungi underground. The fungi spread far and wide, with eyes and ears in every corner of the realm, allowing them to provide the trees with all manner of news. “There’s a pirate queen docked in the castle’s main harbor.” “Lady Greyton has been missing for…