My Duty, My Inheritance by Wendy Nikel

My Duty, My Inheritance by Wendy Nikel

Weary-eyed soldiers drag the bodies from their wagons and pile them on the wharf beside my boat. They’ve traveled far from the frontlines, and though they’re too exhausted to speak, they’re careful not to let a lifeless arm or foot touch the sea’s foamy surface. “Careful, men!” the colonel calls needlessly. “Or your labor will…

The Dream Thief by Catherine Tavares

The Dream Thief by Catherine Tavares

Detective Renaud burst onto the metaphysical plane at the entrance to the Night Market. He absently patted himself down, an idiosyncrasy to realign his consciousness with his dream-self and away from his physical body, asleep somewhere in the Dream Enforcement offices of the material plane. Striding quickly to the Night Market gate, Renaud flashed his…

Two Body Problem by Marie Vibbert

Two Body Problem by Marie Vibbert

“We’ve really solved our two-body problem,” Robin said.  She started to laugh but she hated how it scratched, amplified on the suit radio. “Sh,” Aaron said.  “Don’t.” Through the thick gloves she couldn’t feel the pressure of his grip, but something about his voice made it clear he was squeezing.  She squeezed back, her forearms…