Free To Be Forgotten by Leila Murton Poole

Free To Be Forgotten by Leila Murton Poole

Thunderous clouds block our path. But these clouds can dissipate. Mine can’t. Mine seep into my brain, misting my memories, casting shadows where I need the light to shine brightest. My daughter sits opposite me, squinting as our air taxi bursts through the cloudy veil into the light. It’s always sunny somewhere, I’d whisper to…

Don’t Count Your Sprite Shards Before They’re Caged by Dawn Vogel

Baleful red light crackled across the sky, outlining a mushroom cap atop tentacles, stretching down into the clouds. Conditions were perfect for the abominably misnamed “sprite” to discharge the shards that powered the airship Jubilee on long-range journeys. “You saw where it struck?” Tali asked. Her pilot, Rowan, rolled their eyes. “Yes, Captain.” Tali nodded….

The Love of Her Life by Astrid N. Wright

The Love of Her Life by Astrid N. Wright

“Sex is overrated. Like pumpkin-spice latte.” Gala sipped her espresso. Her date’s foam mustache flinched. “Really? Then why are you here?” “I like the playlist.” She smiled, listening to an old jazz song. Most patrons had left the coffee shop when the dusk turned windows into mirrors so the murmur of voices couldn’t spoil Gala’s…